domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2019

WEEK 4: How has your experience of school shaped you as a learner, and as an adult? In what ways do you think your own schooling could have been improved, and what priorities do you think are the most important for schools today?

First of all, I would start that my view of my school may change between my view as a kid and as an adult (even may change if I think as a teacher). 
Knowing that I thnik that in my primary school I would say that they taught me to be a person, how to behave, how to learn, how to live with others, how to relate with adults and kids. Affter that in my secondary school was much more focused on getting better marks, how to get better qualifications for university entrance exams. Each school is focused in what they think would be better for their students, and usually might sacrifice aspects of their growth.
When I studied times changed but not so fast as now, or we weren't aware of that. Nowadays averything changes extremely fast so I think that in my childhood, being trained to be more prepared for changes would have been a good point. It's the same point that I think every school must have resources invested in that, teach kids in how to to adapt to everything, changes in how the relationships work, in sudden changes in weather, jobs, cities, travel, comunications, etc. This doesn't mean that there are more aspects that should be taught or trained.

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