domingo, 24 de noviembre de 2019

What's going to be the future of education? What will I learn from this course? Week 1

Hello! I'm Marcos, Physical Education teacher.

I'll write my thoughts according to my experience as student and PE teacher so If you read something that doesn't fit, maybe is that I'm exposing from another different point of view.

First of all it's important to make an obvious statement: Time changes faster than we can control and knowing what future waits for the education is a daring supposition to do.

Taking this statement as starting point maybe is this what we should answer, If don't know what should new students learn and we cannot foresee which ways of learning will be open. What shall we do?

As I see, we should start stablishing the values of how do we learn we alredy know, those which Dr.Eleanor Hargreaves and Dr. Fiona Rodger refer to.
As PE Teacher I try to base in the 4 ways of learning: Sharing, Observing, Reading, Experience. And also how do we learn to learn (really useful in learning phyisical skills) DO-REVIEW-LEARN-REPLY. Reading in my subject is not so important as now the knowledge comes from video tutorials or explanations from my own. But sharing, observing and experience are essential for learning skills. Maybe is where we should focus in our classes, If we really base our teachings in this ways of learning or not.

And about what I will learn from this course? Maybe I will see different ways to approach how do we learn, and what is effective.

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